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Chelated Calcium

Ever heard of chelated Calcium? It is a specialized form of Calcium which plays an indispensable role in your body. The calcium helps to make strong bones and healthy teeth. Growing kids need calcium to be big and strong. For adults, maintaining bone health is vital and calcium plays a large role in assuring that happens. It could even make it harder for old people to break their bones.

Then what in the world is chelated calcium? In this case, the substance that is attached to calcium comes under amino acid. This special connection does a better job of helping your body to absorb the calcium and use it. Great for those who struggle to take their usual calcium supplements in the form of a pill. Chelated calcium can support bone strength, alleviate arthritic complaints and ease accompanying joint pain causing quick weight loss.

How Chelated Calcium Helps Your Body

Its chelated calcium format makes it the more easy to absorb into your body. It's so simple to why it works - there is calcium bound to an amino acid... your body can recognize and use this better than regular old rankee dink supplements which require being ionized first! Once you drink it the calcium goes to your bones. And it is incredibly important because this will help you have strong and healthy bones for the rest of your life.

Why choose Shellight Chelated Calcium?

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