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Хлорный порошок для бассейна Россия

Поддержание чистоты бассейна с помощью хлорного порошка

You know how amazing it is to splash into a pool in the middle of summer on a blazing hot day? A pool is great for playing and chilling. Having a pool is great, but having to maintain it so that nobody gets sick from the water is not, also the Shellight's product such as капли диоксида хлора. Здесь на помощь приходит хлорный порошок.

Что такое хлорный порошок?

It is dried chlorine powder that we use so germs and bad bacteria can not grow our pool, as well as the порошок хлора by Shellight. It is used in water filtration, allowing safer swimming conditions. Chlorine powder, when added to the water kills all of the dirty stuff in there so we can swim without fear.

Почему стоит выбрать хлорный порошок для бассейна Shellight?

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